? ? ? 28圈国际生长(香港)有限公司于2012年由28圈联手中远(香港)集团有限公司、招商局集团、香港中旅(集团)有限公司配合提倡建设。公司整合各大股东资源,以国际营销为焦点竞争力,以28圈品牌、文化和产品的国际化建设为焦点营业,同时开展跨国商业、对外投资以及其它国际性营业。
? ? ? Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd, China Ocean Shipping (HK) Co., Ltd, China Merchant Group Limited and China Travel International Investment H.K. LTD jointly established Luzhou Laojiao International Development (HK) Co., Ltd. in 2012. Luzhou Laojiao International Development (HK) Co., Ltd integrates the networks and resources of all shareholders, takes global marketing and sales as the core competitiveness, also takes globalization of Luzhou Laojiao’s brands, culture, and products as the core businesses, and meanwhile conducts translational trades, investments abroad and other international businesses.
National Cellar 1573 ? Spirit of China
? ? ? 国窖1573?中国品味是28圈为纪念1573国宝窖池群及28圈酒古板酿制武艺,划排列入团结国天下物质文化遗产和天下非物质文化遗产准备名单而特殊开发。国窖1573集天下级物质与非物质文化遗产于一身,代表中国文化遗产;さ淖罡咚,也是中国古板文化,古板武艺传承至今的伟大代表。
? ? ? National Cellar 1573 ? Spirit of China is a commemorative baijiu product specially made in honor of 1573 National Treasures Cellars which is included in UN preliminary list as the world’s tangible cultural heritage and the traditional brewing craftsmanship of Luzhou Laojiao liquor as the world’s intangible heritage; it’s the highest level for protection of Chinese cultural heritage; and it’s also the greatest representative of Chinese traditional culture and craftsmanship which passed on over centuries.
National Cellar 1573 ? Classic
? ? ? 国窖1573?经典装,由荣膺“双国宝”称呼的中国物质文化遗产——国窖1573国宝窖池群、中国非物质文化遗产——28圈酒古板酿制武艺酿造。
? ? ? 440余年的历练,23代的坚守传承,成绩国窖1573窖香优雅、绵甜爽净的特殊品质,作为中国白酒鉴赏标准级酒品,当之无愧地代表着中国白酒的最高酿艺水准和消耗品位。
? ? ? National Cellar 1573 ? Classic originates from a Cultural Relic of National Importance -- the earliest construction in China (founded in 1573), the longest continuous use, the most complete protection of the Cellars of National Treasure 1573. The traditional brewing technique of Luzhou Laojiao has selected as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage. National Cellar 1573 ? Classic is the first Chinese liquor that awarded the "Double National Cultural Heritage Treasures" high-end products, the standard boutique for appreciating the Chinese liquor, and is the only organic strong aroma liquor.
Luzhou Laojiao ? Zisha Daqu
? ? ? 28圈?紫砂大曲,精选中国四川省泸州地区特产的糯红高粱,富含单宁花青素。萃取古老窖池所产的原酒之英华,经由全心的调酿之后,乘安排紫砂瓶中。由于紫砂陶瓶具有巨细纷歧的孔隙网状结构,瓶中的酒体便可自由呼吸,成为“活酒”。其口感醇香浓郁清冽甘爽、回味悠长、饮后尤香。
? ? ? Luzhou Laojiao shows off its 400 plus years of spirit making expertise with this product. Zisha was created with the traditional methodologies of Chinese Baijiu production. It has an extremely complex floral aroma and rich taste. The product is completed with a traditional Chinese bottle design which beautifully displays the heritage and history of the Luzhou Laojiao brand.
Luzhou Laojiao ? Te Qu
? ? ? 28圈?特曲系中国四台甫酒之一,中国浓香型白酒的典范代表。早于1915年即荣膺巴拿马万国展览会金奖;后自1952年起连任了历届“中国名酒”称呼,以“浓香始祖、酒中泰斗”之美誉著名中外,屡获殊荣。
? ? ? Luzhou Laojiao ? Tequ is the hit product of Luzhou Laojiao company, which earns a reputation of four-hundred-year-old cellar fragrance and goes forward over ninety years; the former of that was the first company that won gold medal of “three -hundred-year Laojiao Daqu” in the Expo of Panama in 1915; in 1952, it was awarded as “the four oldest liquors ” in China, with Moutai, Fenjiu and Xifeng, in the Chinese First Liquor Fair, which was identified as the typical representative of flavor liquor.
? ? ? The brewing technique, characteristics of the flavor, style, all become the production standards and inspection standards of the flavor liquor, which also calls the Luzhou flavor. It is the only flavor liquor titled five consecutive “national famous liquor” and gains the title of “the originator and distinguished leader of strong aromatic hard liquor.”
Luzhou Laojiao ? Tou Qu
? ? ? 28圈?头曲,降生于1952年,历经50余年岁月洗礼,具有深挚的消耗基础与历史秘闻,一直倍受消耗者的推许。以古板铸就经典,以经典效劳公共,是28圈?头曲坚定的信心。作为28圈古板优质产品,老头曲代表了中国白酒的古板文化,代表了最广明确酒消耗者的切实利益。
? ? ? 今天,28圈?头曲仍将以卓越的品质,效劳于宽大消耗者,在未来的时间配合分享50年脱销不衰的经典琼浆。
? ? ? Luzhou Laojiao ? Tou Qu is a sweeter and gentler baijiu intended for casual drinking; it offers exceptional value for the mid-range bracket.
Luzhou Laojiao ? Er Qu
750ML×12BTL/CTN | 500ML×12BTL/CTN | 125ML×40BTL/CTN
? ? ? 28圈?二曲是28圈具有悠久历史的一款产品,独具“醇、香、甜、净”的气概,脱销天下各地。作为28圈专为公共消耗者量身打造的一款物美价优的产品,二曲依附着着实的酒质,着实的价钱在市场的博弈中谱写了一曲关于亲民的壮丽乐章。
? ? ? 1985年、1990年荣获四川省优质酒称呼;1988年荣获中国首届展览会银奖;1992年荣获首届巴蜀食物展览会金奖。
? ? ? Luzhou Laojiao ? Er Qu is the most representative entry level Luzhou Laojiao baijiu product; it has a good quality with reasonable price.